How to handle rejection
How to handle rejection
We’ve all been there – that sinking feeling when we don’t get the job, the promotion, or the opportunity we had our hearts set on.
But what if I told you that rejection can actually be a good thing?
Rejection makes space for something better
When one door closes, another one opens. Rejection is the universe’s way of redirecting you towards something even better.
Have you ever been house hunting, and lost the property you had your heart set on? And then what happened? I bet you found something even better.
Shift your mindset to focus on the exciting possibilities that now lie ahead.
Use feedback as motivation
Rejection often comes with valuable feedback – embrace it! Fine-tune your approach and come back stronger than ever. Let rejection fuel your determination to prove the naysayers wrong.
My school teachers thought I’d never amount to much. I’m in my 50s now and I’m still motivated to prove them wrong.
Own your genius
Remember, you are one of a kind. No one does you better than you do.
Own the uniqueness you offer. When you believe in yourself, others will too. Rejection has no power over someone who knows their own worth.
Remember your “why”
What’s the bigger picture here? Connect with the reason you want to make a success of your career. It might be the pleasure you get from having an impact; it might be security for yourself and your family. Perhaps it’s something else altogether.
Remind yourself of what you want work to mean to you. That will give you the strength to dust yourself off and keep going.
Make time for yourself
Dealing with rejection can be emotionally draining. Make sure to schedule in plenty ofself-care – whether that’s a relaxing bath, a solo dance party, or quality time with your support system.
Replenish your energy so you can come back to the challenge refreshed and ready to conquer.
Surround yourself with cheerleaders
You don’t have to go through this alone. Lean on your family and friends and your communities – including this one (for female professionals), and this one (for all communications professionals).
Surrounding yourself with people who believe in you can make all the difference when the going gets tough.
The only guaranteed way to fail is to give up. The only way out is through.